Olivia Parker -
12 de outubro de 2022 -
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Online education allows for flexibility. You don't have to be in a classroom. And you can make your schedule around work and family. You still have many options regarding when, where and what you should study.
Online students and professors may not be available to you face-toface, so it is important that you keep your eyes on the prize. These organization tips for online learning will help ensure you stay on track and balance your work, family, classes and personal life.
A Quiet Space to Attend Class
An online class can be taken from anywhere you are. It is important that you find a place quiet and free from distractions where you are able to take notes. It is possible that you will need an electrical outlet to keep your device plugged in while you're logging into the class.
Live or recorded classes may be offered. If you take part in a live class and need to use your microphone or webcam, it may be necessary for you to turn your microphone on or turn on your camera. You can access online classes from the comforts of your home. But, when you turn on your webcam, it's important to watch what other people and the instructor see.
Create an Effective Learning Space for
It's easy to get too relaxed when creating a dedicated area for school work. It is probably not ideal if the potential study space is already associated or occupied by activities such as sleeping, eating, and watching television. Instead, pick an area that you already have a connection to learning. Spending more time in this area will strengthen the relationship. Soon, you'll feel more focused the moment you enter the space.
If you have limited space or cannot create a dedicated area for study, consider storing your school materials in an easy-to-transportable backpack, rolling cart, or backpack. Everything you need to make a smooth transition when it's time for study will be there. For those times when you need to be away from your home to study or take classes, you will want to make sure you have your charger and phone with you.
Make certain your space is comfortable
It is important to think about ergonomics when you are designing your study area. Good posture is key to both your chair and study table. Your desk should sit between your chest, rib cage, and chest when you are seated. By doing this, your elbows will rest on the desk and you won't have to bend forward. Also, your chair should be adjustable so that it fits the height of its desk.
Organize Your Files
Your course materials must be accessible wherever you need them. You can use a physical filing system if you prefer hard copies. But online students have the option to access them digitally. Your computer files should be stored in folders. Use descriptive names to aid identification.
Set Your Time
Online courses can be confusing so it is important to understand the requirements and deadlines. When you have received the syllabus, put a calendar to the wall. Fill it in. You could also set alerts on an online calendar. It will help you not only organize your studies, but also make it easy to schedule time for other areas of your life.
Stay Organized Online
You can bookmark the websites you use most often for research. Also, the site has study aides from other students. You might be able to find what you're looking for.
While online classes can be very useful, you may find it distracting to work from home. You don't have to spend your time surfing the net every second, checking Facebook all day, or watching Netflix while you work. There are apps to help. These online tools, such as , can help you to reduce your time spent on distractions.
Establish a Routine
If you can get into a routine, you will have more success staying on top of your work and avoiding letting deadlines pass you by. Once you have a syllabus for each subject and have an idea of what is expected, you can make a study program to cover each course. Plan blocks of time to read and study regularly, and allow extra time to prepare and take tests or research papers.
If you prefer an old-fashioned planner, then you may want to use a paper planner. You might also consider a planning tool like My Study Application that allows you access your schedule anywhere you are.
Create an Support System
Encourage your friends to support you in your online education. It doesn't matter if they are helping to understand your schedule and time constraints, or if you want to encourage them to help with household chores. Their help can make it easier to focus on your coursework.
You may find it difficult to attend online classes. To support one another, it is a good idea to connect online with other students - or to meet in person.
Study groups can help you keep on track. You can stay organized with online learning by being proactive and reaching out to others before you run into problems.
Online classes can be made easier by being organized and having systems in place. These tactics can be helpful. We'd love to hear from you about which one works best!
What’s Next
Are you looking for online courses that match your career goals and are you willing to go back to school? The University of Texas at El Paso offers an array of 100%-online undergraduate and graduate programs. We invite you explore our online programs, and to discover how it can help you take that next step in the direction of your professional success. To learn more about UTEP Connect, and the 100%-online programs it offers, please contact us. A counselor will contact your directly.
Related Resources:
8 Tips for Online School Survival (and Thrive)
7 tips to make your study space more productive
7 ways to set up your study area for success
7 ways you can organize your study space to maximize your success
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